Monday, 31 December 2012

New beginning with LUCKY

 The countdown will begin soon... 2012 turn to 2013..
Leave the past then live the future .. Learn from past, not repeat in the future.
New beginning.. another story.. another taste of life. Sweet, sour, spicy, bitter, salty or even flat.
i had a great story at the end of this year. My December is full of color and taste!
I feel so lucky on this past days.. So many things happened that i thought it would be bad, but then it turn good, and i felt lucky.
On 24th of December, on night of Christmas, i cried a lot.. i never been cried that hard for long time, as i told you before, this country that stayed before just too much drama. If i stay longer maybe i'll become a drama queen same as them :-p
I fight with my two boss, cos' of my canceling visa process.. ya.. its too complicated! I waited too long for this! And i don't even know why it process delayed! I gave my resignation notif  letter on 16th of November, cos' i follow their rules i must wait 30 days before i can go home to my country, and with the deal that i will book my own ticket flight. It written on that letter that my last day would be on 15th of December, and they must be ready with my document on time, so i can leave soon.
But, what was happen, i must wait 10 days more to get my passport back with visa canceled! without any reason, why it took so long. What i heard from competent people, this process will take one day only.
Okay, let pass this sucks moment i stayed on uncertainty and hopeless. when i cried almost everyday, when i lost my weight 3 kg on a week. It just sucks! but i have someone who always support me to keep strong. I'm still Lucky !
So, this night i just came to the club that i worked before. and met my boss. we discuss, and we argue, and make drama which is made me cried so bad! But, I feel Lucky! Why? If i wasn't fight and argue i wouldn't get my document faster like i want it! 
The day after, 25th of December, when i wake up, when i keep believe that i will hear a good news in the near future.. I got this good news. "Your Visa has been canceled. and you can get your passport tomorrow morning! book you flight!" Damn! this was the good news ever on my December! On that day i went to find some ticket, but as a Libra, who always think a lot, choosy, picky and compare everything before i take my decision. I didn't get any good one. all prices raises! I found the cheapest, but i must transit for minimum 9 hours. Oh no! Thats the last option i will take!So, I talk to my self!Lets wait until tomorrow! When i got home, i check again trough on line booking site, the prices are high and i just do nothing! Cos' nothing i can do. I don't have any option. Even when i saw this good price, flight from Dubai with Emirates cost less than 1600aed!and direct flight, on the date i desire, turn into 7700aed! I don't have any card to booking!! Damn!
I was thinking to take this cheapest price from AD with 9 hours transit in Doha. Thats the worst case. But, it wasn't! I still Lucky
The day after, i woke up early cos i know that i will get my passport in the morning. then i had a plan just go to travel agent and book my flight! One nice guy, which is Boss of my friend, he tried to find me a ticket what i want, but then i heard later, there was no longer available seat on that day. I keep checked on phone about the prices! higher and higher and no option! Then i just went to office and get my passport, but then  this General Manager, which is my boss that i argued with before, said that the taxi driver will bring it and give it to you when he drive me to the airport! sigh!!! So i went to travel agency, around 2 pm, which is i know that in this country on this hour most of the office or the places will be closed for lunch break! But, i don't care!! i keep on going!
And yes, most of them are closed! would be open after 4pm. Damn! I can't wait longer!
So i decided to go to one of the big travel agency in AD. Omein travel. And Yes!!! it open.
This Filipino girl check the flight i want, and i heard the same prices as i checked by my self through my phone. But then, she said, she found something good. Emirates. Flight from Dubai direct to Jakarta with 1700dhs. 27th early in the morning. I was check this flight. it cost 7700dhs, and she was check some minutes before it also 7700. But then some minutes after it just appear! Without doubt i said yes for thisf light! WOW! I'm just Lucky!
I reached Jakarta on the same day, on Thursday, around 3 pm. I go direct to Shangrilla hotel in Jkt. One of my friend sing there. so i just slept over there, cos i must make my Chinese visa on Friday morning.
On Friday, i woke so early. I started on 7 am, cos i worried, that i will get stuck on traffic. cos' Jkt in the morning always have very bad, annoying, sucks traffic! But, i reached kuningan area in 10 minutes! ow!

To be continued ( i must run, catch my bus to Jakarta) lol

Friday, 28 December 2012


I don't even look outside of the car, to see abu dhabi for the last time.
No, I'm not gonna miss this country.
I have enough!
I will never say I will never come back to this country.. We never know how and what the future is.
But for now, I just feel like a prisoner who's got their freedom, out of jail.
This country..
The people, some of them just.. Sucks!! But, not all.. Some are nice, some are kind, some are great person.
I know for sure, this country isn't for me.. I love freedom, I hate something fake, I act fast, I hate slow, I hate racism and discrimination.
But I was survived until the last time!
Survived from sucks situation, from the people who's fucked me up
Waited that long for no reason.
I am proud of my self!

Thanks Abu dhabi, you teach me a lot of things. Teach me more how is life, making a stronger me in the future.
I learns about patience, I learn about harf life, I learn about for being honest, I learn to be a better singer as well ;)
Thanks for friends who's love me, treat me as a family, regard me as a sister.
Thanks for friends who's hate me, don't like me, but really! I'm not your rival, I'm your best rival! Lol

Maybe someday I will come back to UAE.. We never know! But not now.. Not this month, not this closest time..

Sayonara UAE, sayonara Abu Dhabi
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Sunday, 16 December 2012

Curhat ku

Ya Allah..
Kuatkan aku, beri aku kesabaran lebih menhdapi ini semua.
Aku tau rencana Mu jauh lebih indah dari yang aku impikan, lebih istimewa dari yang aku bayangkan.
Aku tak akan meminta untuk menyudahi semua kesukaran, namun ringankan lah, dan berikanlah hamba hati yang kuat, pendirian yang kokoh, juga kesabaran berlapis.
Jika memang ini karma dari perbuatan jahat atau buruk ku terhadap orang lain yang tanpa sadar kulakukan,aku terima dengan ikhlas, namun ampunilah dosa2 ku.
Jika memang ini cobaan Mu, kuatkanlah aku dalam menjalaninya
Jika memang ini ujian Mu, caraMu untuk menaikkan taraf dan derajatku di masa yang akan datang, tenangkan dan sabarkan hatiku.
Aku yakin, orang hebat dan sukses tidak ditempa dengan kemudahan dan kesenangan. Namun dididik dengan kesukaran dan keras nya hidup.
Jangan jauhkan aku dari rasa syukur, jadikan aku manusia dan hamba-Mu yang selalu menikmati dan mensyukuri sekecil apapun pemberian-Mu
Berikan aku jalan, buka kan pintunya, permudah dan lindungi selalu perjalananku, dan tetapkan hatiku untuk selalu berada di jalurnya. Jalan-Mu yang berlimpah berkah
Engkau Maha tahu, rahasia hidupku ada di tangan-Mu. Engkau Maha kaya, jika Engkau berkehendak, tak ada yang tak mungkin untuk mendapatkannya. Engkau Maha Pengasih dan penyayang. KasihMu tak membedakan kaya atau miskin, warna kulit dan bangsa, bahkan untuk ku yang jarang sembahyang.

Terima kasih ya Allah.. Sudah mendengarkan curhat ku
Tenangkan hati ku

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Newspaper design artnails

Look at my nail.. How cute!! newspaper on my!
If you think its hard to make it.. You totally wrong.. Its quite simple and easy.. Ok.. I will share here how i made this beautiful nail art.
So you girls could make yours at home.. 
What you need before we start..  
1. Newspaper 
2.base coat (if u have one)
3.any light color of nail polish (what i have here is white, you can use silver or pink just be creative!!;-))
4. top coat
5.any 70 % rubbing alcohol (what i use here is 70%  isopropyl alcohol with moisturizer from johnson n johnson )
When all you need is ready.. 

lets start it girlsss

First step :
Apply of any base coat.its provide for long lasting effect and protecting the nails from discoloring.But if you dont have one just skip this step and move to the next step

2nd step : 
Apply the first coat of polish thinly. First, paint the sides of the nail and then the middle of the nail with a stroke of the brush.then leave nail polish dry for 1-3 minutes. Repeat it one more times. And leave it dry for 6-10 minutes.

3rd step : 
Dip your nail into small cup of 70% alcohol for 5 seconds, then rub on the newspaper print side for about 15-20 seconds.
Then you can see you have ink on the finger around your nail.just clean that right up. I use cotton bud with some polish remover on it.

4th step : 
And last! Apply your topcoat to give it long-lasting and shiny effect.. Tadaaaa!! Now you're done!! You have newspaper print on your nails.
As simple as that? Yes!!

I hope you enjoy.. Please comment below if you tried one.. Or maybe u can post yours here ;)


Sent from Samsung Mobile

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Happy Anniversary

Musim dingin akan segera dimulai, atau mungkin ini adalah awal dari musim dingin. oouuuch!! I hate cold!!
Tahun lalu, hujan tak berhenti mengguyur kota Bandung sepanjang November. Dan itu membuat saya memutuskan untuk kabur dari derasnya hujan Bandung menuju matahari Bali. Yap! 1 tahun lalu saya mengunjungi Bali selama 2 minggu. Sebenarnya bukan sekedar Hujan atau Dingin yang membuat saya terbang ke Bali. Patah hati! itu alasan utamanya. Refresh! itu yang saya butuhkan pada saat itu.
Saya datang kesana tidak bermimpi atau berharap untuk bertemu seseorang yang lain yang bisa menyatukan kembali puing-puing hati yang tengah pecah dan berdarah. Yang tengah patah terbelah. Saya hanya ingin hangat, saya tak mau menggigil kedinginan. Saya hanya tak ingin terpuruk. dari gelap menuju terang. menyingkap mendung dengan sinar mentari.
Dan ya! Sunset pantai kuta dan double six membuat saya tenang, bergairah menjalani hidup, juga bersyukur atas nikmat-Nya.
Betapa indah cerita yang Tuhan tulis untuk jalan cerita hidup saya.
Setelah hujan Tuhan ciptakan pelangi.
Dipertemukanlah saya dengan seseorang yang sangat istimewa.
yang bisa membuat saya kembali bermimpi
yang bisa membuat saya kembali berharap
yang bisa mebuat saya kembali hidup
yang bisa membuat saya merasa berharga
membuat saya menjadi diri saya.
dan membuat saya menjadi saya yang seharusnya!
Dia susun kepingan-kepingan hati saya yang berserak satu persatu dengan kasih sayang dan rasa percaya! Dia tanam bibit cinta di dalamnya. Dia siram dengan segala perhatian juga kejujuran. Dan dia jaga dengan kesetiaan.
Dia tidak sempurna, begitupun saya. Namun kekosongan yang bisa saling terisi membuat kami memutuskan untuk meyakini mimpi dan harapan, bahwa suatu hari nanti mimpi dan asa akan terwujud nyata.
Bukan satu kali rasa pedas mencampuri manisnya gula, bukan juga satu kali cemburu menjadi bumbu. Beberapa kali amarah terpecah sehingga terlintas untuk menyerah. Kadang ketika marah, saya mengucap kata pisah!!
Jarak ribuan mil dapat memisahkan tubuh kami, raga kami namun tidak hati kami.
Perbedaan waktu, perbedaan warna kulit, perbedaan budaya, perbedaan bahasa, perbedaan suku bangsa, perbedaan agama, perbedaan pendapat, perbedaan pemikiran, perbedaan dalam segala hal. Tidak mebuat kami menghentikan langkah menuju Bahagia!
Kami menjadi pasangan bukan hanya karena banyak persamaan, namun juga karena banyaknya perbedaan.
tidak mudah menjalaninya..!
wajar jika saya merasa bangga dan bahagia, saat hari ini tiba!
karena perjalanan selama 12 bulan ini tak mudah..

I'm sorry if i always Hungry
I'm sorry when I'm Angry
I'm sorry when i feel Worry
I'm sorry i can't come early to your country
I'm sorry if you had got jealous with my Blackberry
Thanks for loving me Extraordinary
Thanks for the gift with "battery"
Thanks for always be my baby, my only and my fairy
Thanks for all the best memory
and one more thing with ry...
I really would be happy.. if someday we get marry :-P

Happy anniversary!

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Welcome December 2012

Sudah dua hari ini Abu dhabi diguyur hujan, bukan hujan yang begitu deras dan lama, namun cukup menyegarkan kota yang panasnya mencapai 50 derajat celcius saat musim panas. And its look amazing, sudah lama rasanya tidak melihat hujan atau pun berjalan dibawah hujan gerimis.Disini mungkin belum terlalu, tapi di Dubai kota sebelah curah hujannya agak cukup deras sehingga mengakibatkan banjir. Ternyata bukan negara Indonesia saja yang dilanda banjir dikala musim hujan tiba. Tapi tidak sampai merendam atap-atap rumah seperti halnya yang sering terjadi di sudut kota Bandung, seperti contohnya yang terjadi di Soreang atau Banjaran tahun ini.
Udara Abu dhabi saat ini mengingatkan saya akan kota kelahiran, Bandung. Udara nya sudah mulai sejuk, malah dingin seperti kota Bandung setelah diguyur hujan. Angin nya memang agak besar, katanya bisa sampai terjadi hujan pasir, atau badai pasir. Ya, beberapa minggu lalu saya sempat melihatnya dari balik jendela..

Bulan kemarin, November. Banyak sekali kejadian di luar dugaan, atau mungkin sekedar bumbu perjalanan hidup. Supaya tidak flat, jadinya naik turun dan biar agak seru dan sedikit tegang!
ya, apapun itu.. semua menjadi bahan pengalaman hidup juga bahan pembelajaran untuk saya.
Bagus ataupun jelek harus tetap disyukuri. tanpa rasa sakit kita tidak akan pernah belajar. Rasa sakit adalah obat kuat untuk menjadi sosok yang lebih kuat di masa yang akan datang.
Saya cuma berdoa.. juga berusaha , seperti biasanya..
bahwa hari esok akan lebih baik dari kemarin..
bulan depan akan menjadi lebih baik lagi dari bulan sebelumnya..
Kalangan tertentu boleh menganggap jika bulan ini adalah bulan penghujung kehidupan
bulan dimana berakhirnya kehidupan di jagat raya,Musnahnya alam semesta, the end of the world.
Wallohu alam.. tak ada yangpernah tahu akan hari itu!
dan rumor itu tidak akan menghentikan usaha, harapan dan doa-doa saya untuk menjadi lebih, lebih baik dan baik lagi!
Sehat jiwa dan raga, rejeki yang berlimpah, ketenangan hati, ketentraman pikiran, kepuasan bathin, dan tak lupa.. kemapanan dan konsistensi perasaan! Aamiin ya rab..

Welcome December.. i know you would be great as a year ago
New start for new life
The beginning instead the ending
start for every kind of the great things..
 I am ready.. always!