Sunday, 26 January 2014

Case closed!

You really don’t know if that person loves you like the way you do. 
You don’t know your position in their heart.

You try to show that you love and you are serious with them but they’re pushing you away indirectly
and you don’t know why.

You try to care but all that means nothing to them.

You try to communicate to them but they shut you down.

Yeah, they no longer have your time and they lost your feelings. 

They are trying to show you that they’re no longer in love with you and you should move on.

I know you’re asking yourself that why they can’t openly tell you that they’re no longer in love with
you. But the thing is they feel ashamed of the lies and the fake promises they told you.

Now they have fear to look in to your eyes and elucidate everything to you. 

That’s why they are distancing themselves from you.

But my friend, you shouldn’t lose sleep and miss noshing food because of that one person. 

Just know that everything in life happens for a reason and life goes on.

Before we meet the right one we would met the wrong one
So, be strong and let them go. Try to live a new life now. . .

“If something was meant to be yours, even if it flies away and it disappears for many years, still it will return to you. Whatever is not meant to be yours, even if you cage it, it'll always escape your fold.”

What I'm trying to mean here is, if you’ve got someone that you adore so much, you have done all
your damnedest to make them understand that you are serious with them but still they're playing hard
to get.
Let them go and face the world. If they were meant to be yours, trust me they'll come back one day and you'll be the happiest person in this world.
So, don't stress too much, don't panic a lot and don't be under pressure. Just relax, pray to God
and watch the space. . . . .

( until now.. I'm still bad and not good enough on letting go!) 

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